
Fire Committee

Nangarin has established a Community Fire Unit and some members of the Estate have received training to be part of this unit. There are a number of fixed fire appliances throughout the estate and other mobile units. Only trained and authorised persons may use the equipment.

The NSW Rural Fire Service Bush FireWise Action plan involves taking preventative measures well in advance to protect your property, and ensuring everyone in the family understands their roles should a bushfire approach. For more information visit our Planning and Survival page.

Get a

Survival Plan

Getting ready for a bush fire is easier than you think. Make a bush fire survival plan so you know what you will do if there’s a fire near you.

Want to help?

Volunteer Crew

Nangarin encourages all able bodied residents to participate in the volunteer program.

Volunteering offers the opportunity to learn new and valuable skills to protect your families, your friends, your home and assets, your community, and your way of life.