Despite Covid19 and associated restrictions on gatherings, our team of residents have achieved a great deal in progressing the effective management and reduction of invasive lantana, African Olive and Moth Vine. Our focus continues to be the 6.1 hectare eastwest nature corridor of critically endangered, remnant Cumberland Plain Woodland (CPW).

Nangarin Landcare currently has 15 active members, who generously give of their time for the 3 hour monthly working bee held on the first Saturday of the month from March to December. Additional sessions were added in July and August this year to compensate for lost sessions due to Covid19 restrictions earlier in the year.

Statistically, the team has clocked up 294 volunteer hours in the last 12 months. Monthly participation in working bees varies between 6 and 12 residents, which is an average attendance of 8 per session over the last 12 months. Since formation of the Landcare Group in 2016, our residents have contributed an amazing total of 968 hours towards reducing lantana, facilitating regeneration of the woodland’s natural ecosystem and reducing the bushfire fuel load. The efforts of our Landcare group and the importance of the woodland ecosystems within the Nangarin Estate were recognised this year by the NSW Environmental Trust awarding one of the 35 grants from the 2019-2020 round of combined Community and Government stream grants for Restoration and Rehabilitation projects to Nangarin Landcare.

Our project, Identified as Cumberland Plain Woodland Restoration Stage 2, received $27,700 to enable engagement of a professional bush regeneration contractor to work with our Landcare team to restore 2.94 hectares of the east-west nature corridor.

Total project value is estimated at $76,889 comprising the Grant ($27,700), ‘In-kind work’ by the Nangarin Landcare team ($46,460) and consumables ($2,729) purchased
by Nangarin Estate. The project timeline is Nov. 2020 to Dec. 2022.

The later part of this year saw the involvement of students from Wollondilly Anglican College (WAC), working with Landcare team members, to map lantana pockets, weed one of our reference sites and plant pioneer species to minimise erosion of steep slopes left bare by the treatment of dense lantana pockets. Thirty two Year 7-10 students participating in the WAC Pastoral Care Service Learning Program chose to assist with Community Tree Planting and Bush Regeneration as their activity, facilitated by and in support of Nangarin Landcare.

Each on-site session was enriched by the generous involvement of Damion Stirling, WSC Sustainability Projects Officer with his extensive knowledge of the area and CPW regeneration. Plant stock and plant protectors were generously donated by the WSC Community Nursery. We thank WAC, WSC and our Landcare team for their interest and support of the students with this project.

How can you assist?

Our relatively small team of volunteers are committed to completing the work on the nature corridor and the assistance of more residents to support low intensity follow up treatment of regrowth, even on an irregular basis, would be appreciated to meet our commitment under the terms of the ET Grant. Twice annual follow ups of treated areas provides a very effective control to achieve long-term eradication of weeds, like lantana. Another effective and proactive strategy to assist would be for residents to treat pockets of lantana on Community land adjoining their property and also identify potential ‘garden escapees’ that could invade surrounding woodland. Nangarin Landcare have a range of tools that are available to residents on a short-term loan basis to remove woody lantana. A number of workshops/information sessions are planned to support residents in identifying invasive weed species and gain an understanding of ‘best practice techniques’ to treat weeds. More information will be forthcoming throughout 2021.

For more up to date information follow ‘Nangarin Facebook for Residents’ or register on the ‘Nangarin Website’ for information on future activities.


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