The Landcare Group wrapped up 2020 with two activities:
Following the November AGM, Damion Stirling from Wollondilly Shire Council delivered a general information session for Nangarin residents, providing valuable insights into Nangarin Estate’s unique
environment and history of the area. Damion spoke about fauna and flora, stories from first nation inhabitants and the importance of Cumberland Plain Woodland to the survival of many species.
After a light lunch, members of the Nangarin Landcare team spent time with Damion in the nature corridor identifying native plant species and opportunistic weeds. We are grateful to Damion and WSC
for their ongoing practical support of our endeavours to manage this important ecosystem.
Damion Stirling speaking with 18 residents after AGM
Landcare members briefed by Damion on flora identification.
Last Landcare session for the year was on Saturday 5th December, attended by 12 residents. The team marked the end of another successful year with an evening celebration dinner at George IV. By year’s end the team had notched up a total of 1099 worksite hours since the formation of the group in 2016
– a great effort, great team and wonderful community spirit.
NSW Environmental Trust Grant
Final paperwork and initial ET Grant allocation was completed by 25th November 2020. ‘Requests for a Fee Proposal’ were sent to three specialist Environmental Restoration Contractors on 22nd November.
All three responded with very detailed proposals and references. Four members of our Landcare team reviewed the proposals and after lengthy discussion, coupled with further questions to the responders, selected Ecohort P/L to undertake the work. Ecohort had been previously engaged at Nangarin in 2004 by Bradcorp to do a similar activity and their Project Manager for this project was a
member of that original work team back in 2004!
Nangarin Landcare is required to provide a Stage 1 completion report to the NSW Environmental Trust in April 2021. Successful completion of Stage 1 work will then facilitate the release of Stage 2 funding. A final detailed report to ET is required in December 2022 with appropriate material to demonstrate the success of the project.
Our Landcare team will continue to work the western section of the nature corridor, which is slated for completion in December 2022. Ecohort’s team will initially target the dense lantana patch on the steep upper slope of the eastern section of the nature corridor, then after April move to the amphitheatre slope near the turning circle, at the northern end of The Grange (see the following aerial view/markup).
Ecohort commenced site work on the 4th February and were briefed by members of the Nangarin Landcare team as to site access and facilities. We appreciated the support of residents adjoining the worksites for assisting with access and parking. The initial session enabled the Site Supervisor and Project Manager to undertake a detailed site assessment and determine the most efficient and effective techniques to use to ensure effective long-term treatment and regeneration of native understock. Ecohort’s team size will normally be 6 or 7 trained staff.
Welcome to Ecohort’s team: Declan, Mike (Site Supervisor), Alex (Project Manager), Jessica, (Glenn – Nangarin Landcare) An important aspect of the project is sharing information with our residents and where practical providing opportunities to engage with the various project activities; a great opportunity for High
School students seeking to do an environmental project/assignment . Along with the Landcare reports to the Nangarin Executive which are distributed with the EC Minutes, project information, updates and events will be publicised in ‘letterbox drop’ flyers, updates to the Nangarin website and ‘Nangarin Facebook for Residents’. Your feedback at any time is most welcome.
Additionally, street signage (sample below) will be placed close to worksites to keep both residents and visitors informed.
Landcare Working Bee tentative dates for 2021:
- Saturday March 6th
- Saturday March 27th
- Saturday May 1st
- Saturday May 29th
- Saturday June 26th
- Saturday July 3rd
- Saturday August 7th
- Saturday September 4th
- Saturday October 2nd
- Saturday November 6th
- Saturday December 4th & end of year celebration.
All residents are most welcome to join our friendly group on any or all of the working bee dates. Tools, advice and morning tea provided. Session times are 9:00 – noon. Nangarin Facebook provides regular updates on activities and meeting points.
Finally, a special thank you to Wollondilly Anglican College and students for the planting work, to retain soils on the steep slopes. This work was undertaken last year as part of the students Community outreach programme. Pleasingly, the plants have survived well over the summer, due in no small way to the efforts of a number of our Landcare team who routinely watered the tube stock until well established.
Prepared by Reg Collins